Baptiste <bedis9@...> writes:

> Hi Steve,
> Can you send us your configuration (anonymised if required).
> We also need your sysctls (at least the one you've modified).
> Baptiste
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 4:43 AM, steve <blogad69@...> wrote:
> > I have been working on trouble shooting Haproxy 1.5 dev 19 with SSL for 
> > last day or so on Cent OS 6.4 64bit.
> >
> > Lastest OpenSSL compiled 1.0.1e, recompiled haproxy with this make -s
> > TARGET=linux2628 USE_EPOLL=1 USE_OPENSSL=1 ARCH=x86_64 clean all
> >
> > SSL cert wild card, plus godaddy intermediate and our key.
> >
> > Our current set of issues we are seeing:
> > *Massive amounts of connection refused when running the test with ssl
> > *Very High usage of CPU on this 8 core 32 gig box with 100 gig ssd and 
> > nic
> > *Maybe 1/4 the amount of traffic we can push though, compaired to a non 
> > test
> >
> > We are using Jmeter to load test and blazemeter to do up to 40k jmeter
> > threads for a full hour.
> >
> > Here is a list of the errors that are spit back after the test is done
> > Response codes
> >
> > response codecountresponse message
> > 400 29 Bad request
> >
> > Non HTTP response code:
> > 86069 Non HTTP response message: peer not authenticated
> >
> > Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException 
> > Non HTTP response message: Connection to refused
> >
> > Non HTTP response code:
> > 88 Non HTTP response message: Connection reset
> >
> > 4122 Precondition Failed
> > Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException270Non 
> > response message: The target server failed to respond
> >
> > So this is what we are facing and we are not haproxy experts and think 
> > have taken it to the best of what we understand about haproxy config and
> > settings.
> >
> > special note: we do not have a web site on the backend, its user server 
> > an upcoming game we are working on so the stack is quite simple from 
> > -> node.js --> db and back.
> >
> > Json data is posted to the user server and returned.
> >
> >
> >
word of warning we are not haproxy experts so we are not 100% sure if in our 
config we have a proper settig to handle 40k requests a second.. so bare 
with us..

        log /dev/log local0 #notice
        maxconn 31500
        #tune.bufsize 128000
        user netcom
        group netcom
        pidfile /home/netcom/
        #nbproc 7

        log global
        #mode http
        mode tcp
        ### Options ###
        #option httplog
        option tcplog
        #option logasap
        option dontlog-normal
        #option dontlognull
        option redispatch
        #option httpchk GET /?method=echo HTTP/1.1
        option tcp-smart-accept
        option tcp-smart-connect
        #option http-server-close
        #option httpclose
        #option forceclose
        ### load balance strategy ###
        #balance leastconn
        balance roundrobin
        ### Other ###
        retries 5
        maxconn 31500
        backlog 100000
        ### Timeouts ###
        #timeout client          25s
        timeout client          60s
        #timeout connect          5s
        timeout connect         60s
        #timeout server          25s
        timeout server          60s
        timeout tunnel        3600s
        timeout http-keep-alive  1s
        #timeout http-request    15s
        timeout http-request    60s
        #timeout queue           30s
        timeout queue           30s
        timeout tarpit          60s

listen stats *:1212
        mode http
        stats enable
        stats show-node
        stats show-desc AquaProxy
        stats realm  AquaProxy\ Statistics
        stats auth   xxx:xxx
        stats refresh 5s
        stats uri /

###### HTTP ######
frontend http-in
        bind *:1111
        acl user_request url_reg method=user.register
        use_backend user_group_http if user_request
        default_backend other_group_http

backend user_group_http
        stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
        stick on src
        server n2 x.195:1111 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n10 x.197:1111 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n13 x.199:1111 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n15 x.201:1111 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n21 x.202:1111 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000

backend other_group_http
        stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
        stick on src
        server n3 x.196:1111 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n11 x.198:1111 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n14 x.200:1111 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n22 x.203:1111 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000

###### HTTPS ######
frontend https-in
        bind *:2222
        acl user_request url_reg method=user.register
        use_backend user_group_https if user_request
        default_backend other_group_https

backend user_group_https
        stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
        stick on src
        server n2 x.195:2222 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n10 x.197:2222 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n13 x.199:2222 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n15 x.201:2222 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
        server n21 x.202:2222 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000

backend other_group_https
        stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
        stick on src
        server n3 x.196:2222 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 2000
                server n11 x.198:2222 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 
                server n14 x.200:2222 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 
                server n22 x.203:2222 maxconn 3500 check port 8097 inter 

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