Hi Przemyslaw,

You can do this:
create a stick table, string type, store number of requests
store url parameter called id
track counter on url parameter id
deny if the number of request for the tracked id is greater than X


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Przemysław Hejman <p...@touk.pl> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Is there any possibility for HAProxy to perform a rate limit per repeating
> request? Consider following situation:
> Assume that you have requests like:
> GET  /file&id=123%someotherstuff
> GET  /file&id=476%someotherstuff
> GET  /file&id=111%someotherstuff
> GET  /file&id=111%someotherstuff
> GET  /file&id=111%someotherstuff
> GET  /file&id=476%someotherstuff
> What I want to do is to block the next request containing "id=111".  Lets
> say that I want to allow only 3  exactly same requests matching [0-9]{3}.
> Is there any possibility to configure a stick table to work like in this
> example?  If no, do you know any other mechanisms to perform such an action?
> Bes
> --
> e-mail: p...@touk.pl
> TouK sp. z o.o. s.k.a.
> 02-389 Warszawa, al. Bohaterów Września 9
> http://touk.pl

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