Ahh, thank you


On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:56 AM, David Coulson <da...@davidcoulson.net>wrote:

>  A wildcard cert is helpful for some things, but domain.com will not
> validate against a cert issued for *.domain.com
> On 10/29/13, 10:52 AM, Bhaskar Maddala wrote:
> If it is any help you can get a certificate for *. domain.com
>  On Oct 28, 2013 9:37 PM, "Felix" <fe...@ferchland.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using haproxy to loadbalance my webapplication but I get into a
>> problem
>> with our ssl certificate.
>> haproxy is also serving the ssl certificate to the clients. this works
>> quite
>> well. we only have certificate for www as subdomain, so all traffic
>> hitting
>> haproxy should be redirected to https://www.
>> if the visitor comes from non ssl the domain can be rewritten without a
>> problem, but if the visitor types the domain with ssl but without
>> subdomain,
>> the url can't be rewritten before the (in this case invalid) ssl
>> certificate
>> was served by haproxy.
>> is there a way to redirect an ssl request before serving the certificate?
>> global
>>    maxconn 4096
>>    daemon
>>    log local0
>> defaults
>>    log          global
>>    mode         http
>>    contimeout   5000
>>    clitimeout   50000
>>    srvtimeout   50000
>>    option forwardfor
>>    retries 3
>>    option redispatch
>>    option http-server-close
>> frontend http *:80
>>    mode http
>>    redirect location https://www.url.com if !{ ssl_fc }
>> frontend https
>>    # reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
>>    # www Redirect
>>    mode http
>>    acl non-www hdr(host)        url.com
>>    redirect prefix https://www.url.com if non-www
>>    bind *:443 ssl crt /crt/ssl.pem no-sslv3
>>    default_backend web
>>    option forwardfor

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