Hi guys,

sorry for not responding earlier.

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 11:02:34PM +0100, Lukas Tribus wrote:
> > To be more clear:
> > There is "client side", which is client to haproxy.
> > And there is "server side", which is haproxy to server.
> >
> > My patch implement mark for "server side", while
> > http-request/http-response as i see in source code only for "client
> > side".
> Yes, I see.
> Currently, the features set-mark and set-tos need to be set with the
> http-request/http-response command. This can be confusing and the result
> is indeed not always what one would expect or desire (even though the
> documentation is not wrong).
> Regardless whether we set "set-mark" or "set-tos" in the frontend or the
> backend, in http-request or http-response, the setsockopt() call is always
> about the frontend HTTP session only - the only difference being that the
> frontend acts before the backend and http-request acts before http-response.

Indeed that's a good point.

> We can't:
> - influence the backend HTTP session
> - influence traffic when we are not intercepting HTTP (TCP mode)
> - influence the first packet (if we route backend traffic differently based
>   on tos/mark, the first SYN may already need correct tos/nfmark marking,
>   otherwise it may be forwarded on the wrong interface and subsequently
>   dropped)
> Imho the features set-mark and set-tos, and possibly also set-nice need
> to be moved from the http-request/response layer out to the main layer of
> configuration, where we have things like block and redirect, so that
> we can:
> - combine them with ACLs
> - make them work in TCP mode
> - implement them to work with backend TCP sessions
> - allow set-tos/set-mark to take effect before the SYN packet leaves the box
> While your patch fixes your particular use case, Denys, I think we should
> try the improve the whole situation.

I agree with your points. I know that William has already started to factor
out all the tcp/http actions but that's a tedious work. In an ideal world,
we should be able to merge almost all of them.

> Willy, was there a specific use-case when you implement those features? Any
> thoughts about this?

Yes, the purpose was precisely to affect traffic to the client depending
on the request. For example, a non-authenticated visitor might use a
different QoS setting or even be routed via a different link. I'm not
using these features myself and I don't even remember whom I discussed
with before implementing them given they were trivial.

I would have no problem with starting to rename them (remember we're
still in -dev) so that they're set-frontend-mark, set-frontend-tos or
whatever shorter form we could imagine, then propagate them to TCP
rules and finally have the same set for the other side.


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