Hi Guys,

I have been looking at the agent-check functionality.

I started out using windows agent, trunked haproxy code and the config
example from Malcolm Turnbull here :

However I saw the agent-check had been added to the latest build 1.5-dev21,
so I have started using that.However the config example doesn't seem to
want to work with the latest official

* build. Haproxy doesnt moan about the config, but it doesnt seem to be
using the check or logging any information about it.*

*Would it be possible to post an example showing the correct haproxy config
to use with the agent-check.*

*By the way I saw the mailing list post recently about the changes to the
agent-check, using state and percentage, and I think that the right way to

*Thanks for your help and a great haproxy.*
*Simon *

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