Hi all,

I'm using haproxy snapshot 20140401 at the moment.
I'm pretty sure to have a straight forward configuration:
        balance     roundrobin      # RoundRobin Verfahrung
        log     global
        mode    http                # HTTP Modus (Layer7)
        option  httplog             # HTTP Logging - alle Logformat-Optionen
        option  dontlognull         # Enable or disable logging of null 
        retries 3                   # Set the number of retries to perform on a 
server after a connection failure
        option redispatch           # Enable or disable session redistribution 
in case of connection failure
        #no option httpclose

        option http-server-close    # Enable or disable HTTP connection closing 
on the server side
        timeout http-request 5s     # Set the maximum allowed time to wait for 
a complete HTTP request
        timeout connect 5s          # Set the maximum time to wait for a 
connection attempt to a server to succeed.
        timeout server 10s          # Set the maximum inactivity time on the 
server side.
        timeout client 60s          # Set the maximum inactivity time on the 
client side

frontend fe_something
        bind <ip-adress>:443 <some cipher related entries>
        bind <ip-adress>:80
        default_backend be_something 

backend be_something
        option httpchk GET /cluster-test.html
        http-check expect string okay
        option forwardfor
        acl ssl ssl_fc
        reqidel ^X-Forwarded-Proto:.*
        reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https if ssl
        reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http unless ssl
        server server01 check maxconn 15 weight 100
        server server02 check maxconn 15 weight 100

Now, when the first request comes in I see in the log the
following timing values (Tq '/' Tw '/' Tc '/' Tr '/' Tt*) 
which are o.k.


As soon as I request the second page while keep alive is still alive,
I get the following values:


So, it seems that the measures refer to the initial session startup
time. Is this true? Is this the intended behaviour?
I'm asking because documentations says "[...] Large
times here generally indicate network trouble between the client and
haproxy.[...]" which is not the case in my scenario.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards
Andreas Mock

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