If a Picture is worth a 1000 Words:
If the url does not have any path like this:
acl has_ww_uri path_beg -i /ww
returns false
reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ /(.*) \1\ /ww/\2 if !has_ww_uri
it adds the ww, the program with is wthttpd (Wt) defaults to en for
language control
Just to show you how the site looks at port 8060:
If I comment the code, the site looks fine.

Note: I want only the first path to work:
http://mad-news.net/this/ww  fails to work for the rule, it does this:
which is not what I want, so how do I write a rule to cover this?

Note: If the ww is not there, the Wt app will ignore the request,
results in 404 http://wittywizard.org/ vs http://wittywizard.org/ww.
There is no way around this behavior is I want to have a pretty URL.

My whole config, Note that it works the same in 1.4 and 1.5, but this
is: HA-Proxy version 1.5.1 2014/06/24:


    log local0 
    log local1 notice
    maxconn 4096
    user haproxy
    group haproxy
    # pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
    # stats socket /var/run/haproxy.stat mode 600
    # stats socket /tmp/haproxy

    log     global
    mode    http
    option  httplog
    option  dontlognull
    retries 3
    option  redispatch
    maxconn    1000
    #contimeout 5000 # haproxy 1.4
    timeout connect 5000
    #clitimeout 50000 # haproxy 1.4
    timeout client 50000
    #srvtimeout 50000 # haproxy 1.4
    timeout server 50000

frontend wt
    # Set inside Witty Wizard main.cpp
    acl has_ww_uri path_beg -i /ww
    reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ /(.*) \1\ /ww/\2 if !has_ww_uri
    redirect prefix http://wittywizard.org code 301     if { hdr(host) -i 
www.wittywizard.org }
    # Note: see wthttpd.sh session-id-prefix
    acl srv1 url_sub wtd=wt-8060
    acl srv1_up nbsrv(bck1) gt 0
    use_backend bck1 if srv1_up srv1
    # Second Thread
    # Note: see wthttpd.sh session-id-prefix
    # acl srv2  url_sub wtd=wt-8061
    # acl srv2_up nbsrv(bck2) gt 0
    # use_backend bck2 if srv2_up srv2 has_ww_uri
    default_backend bck_lb
backend bck_lb
    balance roundrobin
    #server srv1 track bck1/srv1
    server srv1 track bck1/srv1

backend bck1
    balance roundrobin
    #server srv1 check
    server srv1 check

backend bck2
    balance roundrobin
    #server srv2 check
    server srv2 check

As you can see, the path seems to have changed, not sure what is going on, any 


On Thu, 2014-07-03 at 22:40 +0200, Baptiste wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Jeffrey Scott Flesher Gmail
> <jeffrey.scott.fles...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a url that always begins with ww, ie http://domain.tdl/ww/en/..., I
> > want to rewrite the url to include the ww,
> > I tried the below, it works, but changes the path or something,
> > because it cause the resources like css and images to not appear (404),
> > does anyone know how to fix this or do this the right way?
> >
> > acl has_ww_uri path_beg -i /ww
> > reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ /(.*) \1\ /ww/\2 if !has_ww_uri
> >
> Hi Jeffrey,
> Can you clarify a bit your question, cause you're confusing me.
> please send us an example of what you get in HAProxy and how you want
> it out after HAProxy has rewritten it.
> Baptiste

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