On 07/07/2014 11:49 πμ, David wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed HAproxy 1.5 in my RDS farm. But when i check the "disable" 
> option for one server, this server is still active in my farm and users can 
> connect to it ?

I assume you mean that it took while for the server to stop receiving
after it was disabled, am I right ?

I have observed this only when I used TCP mode, in my case it took some
time(20mins) for a server to stop getting traffic. I switched(for other
reasons) to HTTP mode with keep-alive enabled and this particular
behavior doesn't occur. Have you tried to enable 'option forceclose'? I
have no clue if it will do the trick.

> May i have to use "soft stop" instead ? What is the difference between these 
> two options ?
> Thank you by advance for your answer.
> David.

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