
Зайцев Сергей Александрович wrote:
> So the question is - is the a way to synchronized HaProxy's
> configuration with ZooKeeper ( somehow ).

Airbnb uses a tool called Synapse [1] as part of their Smartstack
platform [2]. It integrates HAProxy and zookeeper to provide high
availability by using node-local loadbalancers that get reconfigured on
the fly according to data in zookeeper.

Synapse provides an external watcher program which reconfigures HAProxy
using both the unix socket (where possible) as well as by generating
updated config files. To try it out, you could use the provided
smartstack Chef cookbook [3].

Patrick Viet (formerly of Airbnb, now at GetYourGuide) recently talked
about Smartstack (and the adaptations they have done at GetYourGuide,
i.e. changing from Zookeeper to Serf) at the Berlin Devops Meetup. You
can find the video on Youtube [4].

Maybe, you could gather some ideas and implementation details from their


[1] https://github.com/airbnb/synapse
[2] http://nerds.airbnb.com/smartstack-service-discovery-cloud/
[3] https://github.com/airbnb/smartstack-cookbook
[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y739V9MMoLE

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