On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 09:44:50AM +0100, Scott McKeown | redIT wrote:
> Hi Willy,
> Thank you for clearing this up for me.
> I now understand the direction that you are wanting to take more clearly 
> now.
> I just wish that I could help more than by just using and reporting, I'm 
> sure I'll get there though.

Using and reporting are the most important contributions ever. Untested
code is worse than no code at all as it can break working features. And
if you look at all the bugs fixed, many of them were side effects of
changes *I* did without noticing the change had a side effect on something
else. Fortunately people reported these bugs and eventually they got fixed.

And to go further, I've heard people tell me "why don't you ship your changes
in your ALOHA prior to shipping them in the opensource version ?". I then
explained that they were wrong, and that the only reason why the ALOHA is so
much reliable is that it's based on versions that people have been testing
extensively under extreme conditions and for which many bugs were reported
and fixed.

So don't worry, you're not "just" using and reporting, you're using and
reporting and we should thank you for that.


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