On 01/08/2014 08:00 πμ, cloudpack 川原 洋平 wrote:
> Hi,
> I setting up HAProxy 1.5.3.
> I obtained the RST randomly http response when verifying the following
> settings.
> State that contains the RST or would specification ????
> ## tcpdump result
> ~~~~
> 05:31:17.738871 IP ${haproxy-host}.49167 > ${Apache-host}.http: Flags
> [R.], seq 275, ack 269, win 149, options [nop,nop,TS val 3764976 ecr
> 369760047], length 0
> ~~~~

I believe HAProxy closes a TCP session by sending RST rather following
the typical TCP close sequence of FIN/ACK, when is the initiator of the
TCP termination. If the other end initiates a TCP termination, HAProxy
follows the typical FIN/ACK sequence. This is my understanding after I
analyzed some network traces.


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