
On Fri, Aug 29, Remi Gacogne wrote:
> Hi,
> > From strace I can see that (16:01:58.776411 - 16:01:58.777349) that
> > haproxy reads(from client(chrome) / sends "GET /idp/Authn/Kerberos/Login"
> > with negotiate header(to tomcat) but then closes connection
> > (16:01:58.777349, 16:01:58.777613 ...) ?
> > 16:01:58.776937 epoll_wait(0, {}, 200, 0) = 0
> > 16:01:58.777083 sendto(12, "GET /idp/Authn/Kerberos/Login HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: 
> > idp.uef.fi\r\nAuthorization: Negotiate negotheader removed"..., 3737, 
> > 16:01:58.777349 epoll_wait(0, {{EPOLLIN|EPOLLRDHUP, {u32=12, u64=12}}}, 
> > 200, 59) = 1
> > 16:01:58.777613 recvfrom(12, "", 8192, 0, NULL, NULL) = 0
> > 16:01:58.777777 close(12)               = 0
> recvfrom() returns 0, meaning that the other end has already closed the
> connection:
> "If no messages are available to be received and the peer has performed
> an orderly shutdown, recvfrom() shall return 0."

I think I found one possible error (in tomcat config):
I had keepAliveTimeout="6" (and tomcat connector takes the timeout
in ms (not sec like httpd)). I've changed this to 6000. I'll report
if this fixes the problem.

Thanks again Lukas and Remi for looking into this ! 


Jarno Huuskonen

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