
I'm using haproxy to terminate SSL and it works for most of my users.
I have alphassl wildcard certificate.
I'm using SSL to improve WebSockets and RTMP connections of port 443.
I don't have sensitive data or e-commerce.

I have one user that see a warning in Chrome and can't use my website.
Is it possible that this the warning is because an antivirus is not happy
with the default ciphers or other ssl settings?

When running a test https://sslcheck.globalsign.com/en_US I'm getting:
Sessions may be vulnerable to BEAST attack
Server has not enabled HTTP Strict-Transport-Security
Server has SSL v3 enabled
Server is using RC4-based ciphersuites which have known vulnerabilities
Server configuration does not meet FIPS guidelines
Server does not have OCSP stapling configured
Server has not yet upgraded to a Extended Validation certificate
Server does not have SPDY enabled

I found one suggestion:
bind name https ssl crt /path/to/domain.pem ciphers

And another:
bind ssl crt /etc/cert.pem nosslv3 prefer-server-ciphers
ciphers RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA

Both gives me other warnings.

What are the commended ciphers and settings to use when terminating SSL
with haproxy?
Could there be another reason Chrome complains about SSL?


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