Hi Marco,

Le 15/10/2014 23:08, Marco a écrit :

Hi Willy,

here's the config. Simply checking it with "/usr/sbin/haproxy -c -f
/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" causes the segmentation fault.

         nbproc  1

         mode http

frontend http-in
         bind :10080
         bind :10443 ssl crt /tmp/certandkey.pem
         default_backend www
         mode http

backend www
         mode http
         server srv01 www.web.de:443 ssl verify required verifyhost

Is it the full configuration which can trigger the segfault ? I don't see any ca-file.

Also, the question may be stupid but I prefer to ask. Did you perform a "make clean" before compiling haproxy 1.5.5 ?

Cyril Bonté

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