Hi Dennis,

> Now from what I read on the net about haproxy I expected that the
> load-balancing isn't that cpu intensive and that most of the cpu usage
> should be generated by the ssl offloading but what I'm seeing is that
> the two cores 0 and 4 are at 20% idle while the rest is at 80-90% idle
> and that cpu core 4 shows 20% soft interrupt usage while all other cores
> show 0% soft interrupt usage. The statistics page also shows an idle
> time of only 20%.

This sounds to me like a kernel thing. What exact kernel are you using?
If you are on CentOs6, you should give CentOs 7 a try (which has a 3.10

There is probably some low level kernel/irq tuning that could
help in this situation as well, but I never did it.




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