I have used the above directive in my configuration file under defaults. And it 
has made not even the slightest difference in seeing messages like the 
following getting printed from our http client:

HTTP/1.0 408 Request Time-outCache-Control: no-cacheConnection: 
closeContent-Type: text/html
<html><body><h1>408 Request Time-out</h1>Your browser didn't send a complete 
request in time.</body></html>

I am running HaProxy 1.5.8

Here are my defaults:
defaults        log global        mode http        balance leastconn        
option httplog        retries 1        option redispatch        option 
log-health-checks        timeout client 1m        timeout connect 30s        
timeout server 1m        timeout check 10000        # suppress the html 
response in 408 timeout errors        errorfile 408 /dev/null                   

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