Yosef Amir schreef op 1-1-2015 om 13:57:
Hi ,
I have servers that listen for plain IMAP on port 143 and servers that listen for IMAP SSL on port 443. I have successfully tested HAProxy for tcp-check proxying to IMAP servers listen on port 143 . I don’t know how to configure the option tcp-check on HAProxy proxying to IMAP servers working over SSL only.
Any idea ?
        mode tcp
       bind :143 name VVM_PLAIN
        balance roundrobin
        tcp-check connect port 143
        option tcp-check
tcp-check expect string *\ OK\ IMAP4\ server\ ready\ (Multi\ Media\ IP\ Store)
       server MIPS1 check
       server MIPS2 check
listen IMAP_SSL
        mode tcp
        bind :443 name VVM_SSL
        balance roundrobin
        tcp-check connect port 443
Maybe try the 'ssl' keyword as below. (i have not tested it at all..)
tcp-check connect port 443 ssl
        option tcp-check
        tcp-check expect string  ?????
        server MIPS3 check
        server MIPS4 check
Amir Yosef
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