On 05/01/2015 12:04 μμ, Thomas Heil wrote:
> Hi,
> On 03.01.2015 16:31, Ram Chander wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a requirement like below:
>> Consider there are two sets of backends.  Each has some servers in it
>> One is default , other is backup
>> Haproxy should try second set  if  first  set  returns 404.
> You mean all servers in the first backend return 404? If so, the option
> "http-check disable-on-404"
> is your best friend.
> I assume you have two backends "backend be_one" and "backend be_two".
> In the frontend section you need to declare an acl like
> --
> acl be_one_available nbsrv(be_one) ge 1
> use_backend be_two if ! be_one_available
> default_backend be_one
> --

I suspect that Ram wants HAProxy to 'catch' 404 responses for normal
traffic and not for a health-check response.


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