On 1/21/2015 2:52 AM, Baptiste wrote:
> Everything is explained here:
> http://blog.haproxy.com/2013/09/16/howto-transparent-proxying-and-binding-with-haproxy-and-aloha-load-balancer/
> If you can't do it, maybe you should ask the HAProxy experts to help you:
> http://haproxy.com/services/haproxy-professional-services/

I had already seen the blog post you linked ... that blog post does not
answer my initial question about whether I keep all haproxy
functionality when going transparent.  My worry is that it will function
just like ipvs and offer none of haproxy's advanced capability.  Most of
our current load balancing is using ipvs, I am in the process of
migrating to haproxy.

I can do it without spending a lot of money on help, I just need a
little guidance with iptables.  I always turn off iptables because I
have a very large Cisco external firewall handling access control.
Therefore I am a little fuzzy on how to make iptables accept everything
while also doing what haproxy needs.  If I do set up iptables to accept
all traffic, then add the rules on that blog post, will everything work?
 I realize that iptables is outside the scope of this mailing list, so I
am hoping someone can point me to a HOWTO, article, or blog post that
covers it.

The "old" load balancer system (which I still need to configure) is
CentOS 5.  Can I successfully run transparent mode on a 2.6.18 kernel?
I have a new one running Ubuntu 14, but when I tried to switch
everything to that, ldirectord crashed and took out all the ipvs config
... so my new plan is to reduce the ldirectord config to FTP only, which
requires that I migrate everything else to haproxy first.

I did find something about tproxy and different kernel versions that has
me a little worried.  Specifically the caveats for specific kernel
versions here:


One of the caveats mentioned is that 3.x kernels require a different
config than 2.6 kernels for tproxy4.  Which kernel versions are targeted
by the iptables info on that blog post?

One final question, which is very important.  Can I mix transparent
bindings and normal bindings on one haproxy config?  I need to migrate
one frontend at a time, I can't do them all at once.


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