I am in the same fix.
No matter what we try, the data to address is the real
laptop/desktop/cellphone/server count. That count is skewed as soon as
there are a hundred laptops/desktops behind a router.

Best I heard is from Willy himself, suggestion to use base32+src. At the
cost of losing plain text and having a binary to use in acl but works for
now. Grateful to have HAProxy in the first place.

Long Wu Yuan 龙 武 缘
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On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 1:57 AM, CJ Ess <zxcvbn4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am upgrading my environment from haproxy 1.3/1.4 to haproxy 1.5 but as
> of yet am not using any of the newer features.
> I'm intrigued with using the stick table facilities in haproxy 1.5 to help
> mitigate the impact of malicious users and that seems to be a common goal -
> however I haven't seen any discussion about large groups of users behind
> NATs and firewalls (businesses, universities, mobile, etc.) Has anyone
> found a happy median between these two concerns? Aside from white listing
> and the blocks aging out over time.
> One thought I had, in a virtual hosting environment, was to use a stick
> table to track the number of requests by Host header, and direct requests
> to a different backend (with dedicated resources) once requests for a
> particular vhost crosses a threshold - and rejoin the common pool once the
> traffic dies down. Has anyone been successful with a similar setup?

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