On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 9:29 PM, Sébastien ROHAUT
<sebastien.rohaut....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using an http-check expect string to test the presence of a certain
> string in the body response. Like this
> option httpchk GET /mycheck HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\ myhost.xx\r\nConnection:\
> close
> http-check expect ! string "healthStatus":"Unhealthy"
> When the backend is not accessible, our nginx returns a default page, with a
> 5XX return code.
> In this case (return code != 200), it should be considered as an error, and
> the associated serveur should be removed from the server. It's not the case
> : HAProxy only check the string, and says it's OK.
> Question :
> How to check the string AND check the return code ? I want my server to be
> removed if string is absent OR if return code is != 200 !
> Thank you,
> Sébastien Rohaut

Hi Sébastien,

You can write such séquence using tcp-check, sending your HTTP request
with tcp-check send and matching with two consecutive tcp-check expect
tcp-check expect string HTTP/1.1\ 200\ OK
tcp-check expect ! string "healthStatus":"Unhealthy"


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