> Attached is the information you requested -- and hopefully 
performed<br>&gt; correctly :)<br>&gt;<br>&gt; * no_haproxy.pcap: This is a 
successful connection + POST to the<br>&gt; original Mochiweb server. Note that 
here the port is 8443 not 443<br>&gt; (IP=<br>&gt; * 
ha_self_signed.pcap: Failed attempt against HAProxy with a self<br>&gt; signed 
certificate &amp; key.<br>&gt; * TEST_cert_and_key.pem: The self signed 
cert/key from above.<br>&gt;<br>&gt; The bind line for ha_self_signed.pcap 
looks like this:<br>&gt; bind *:443 ssl crt 
/home/bashby/Lukas/TEST_cert_and_key.pem ciphers AES128-SHA<br>&gt;<br>&gt; 
Thanks again to you and everyone here taking the time to look at 
this!<br><br>Ok, so what I can see by decrypting the SSL session with the self 
signed<br>certificate is that as soon as the server sends the "Server Hello 
Done", the<br>client sends a "TLS Finished". So the client doesn't like the 
Server Hello,<br>basically, or something along those lines.<br><br>Comparing it 
with no_haproxy.pcap, its immediately obvious that without<br>haproxy, you are 
doing client certificate verification: the server asks the<br>client to provide 
a client certificate and verifies that certificate.<br><br>You are also doing 
client certificate verification in haproxy_1.pcap (which<br>fails).<br><br>So, 
maybe those clients absolutely want to send their certificate and<br>abort the 
TLS session a soon as the handshake is complete if the server<br>actually 
didn't request their certificate.<br><br>And maybe, in your first configuration 
(where you DO verify the client<br>certificate, their is certificate mismatch 
that fails on the HAProxy<br>side, which is why HAproxy in this case closed the 
session - we don't<br>know, because we can't decrypt the relevant handshake 
messages in<br>haproxy_1.pcap).<br><br><br>In fact, when I look at your config 
on pastebin, I can see that you<br>used "crt-ignore-err all" on the bind line, 
but that should probably be<br>"ca-ignore-err all", I believe. The 
documentation doesn't really do<br>a good job of explaining the difference 
between ca and crt-ignore-err.<br><br>Can you retry with "ca-ignore-err all", 
and, if it still doesn't work,<br>provide the pcap trace in this 
config:<br><br>bind *:443 ssl crt /home/bashby/Lukas/TEST_cert_and_key.pem 
ciphers AES128-SHA \<br>verify optional ca-ignore-err all crt-ignore-err all 
ca-file /etc/ssl/certs/cw_client_ca.pem<br><br><br><br>&gt; I am not an expert 
but from the following I can understand<br>&gt; that client and server agreed 
to use<br>&gt; TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA cipher but over SSLv3. I am 
wondering if<br>&gt; AES cipher suite is supported on SSLv3<br><br>No, its 
really TLSv1.0 that we see in this handshake (TLSv1.0 is 3.1, TLS<br>v1.1 is 
3.2, TLSv1.2 is 3.3). Also ssldump has not seen any updates in<br>about 10 
years, which is why it doesn't recognize most of the ciphers, 
FYI.<br><br><br><br>&gt; I've seen this type of issue in the past between 
openssl and java's ssl<br>&gt; implementation, primarily in java 6 and java 
7.&nbsp; I don't remember the<br>&gt; full details but from what I recall 
avoiding the EC based ciphers from<br>&gt; the supported list resolves the 
issue.<br><br>We are using non-FS ciphers like AES128-SHA here anyway, so we 
already<br>excluded that.<br><br><br><br>Regards,<br><br>Lukas<br><br>          

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