Hi, all.

Is there a way to share configuration between multiple backends?

The use case for this is that we would like to configure different response 
headers for different parts of our application, based on the request URL, but 
otherwise route traffic the same way. Specifically, we want to specify 
'X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM <some site>' across most of the application, but 
just use 'X-Frame-Options: DENY' on the admin area.

We could do this, of course, by sending the admin traffic to a different 
backend, and setting the response header differently in that backend, but then 
we'd need to repeat our server configuration, which is otherwise the same. 
Something like this:

frontend foo
  listen x.x.x.x
  acl admin url_beg /admin
  default_backend foo
  use_backend foo_admin if admin

backend foo
  rspadd "X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM some-trusted-server.com"

backend foo_admin
  rspadd "X-Frame-Options: DENY"

To reduce the duplication, is it possible to have one backend delegate to 
another, or specify a named list of servers that can be referenced from 
different places?

Thanks in advance.


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