Thanks, I sent request previously to you but I have done it. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jarno Huuskonen" <> 
To: "Klavs Klavsen" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 12:58:21 PM 
Subject: Re: limiting conn-curs per-ip using x-forwarded-for 


On Tue, Mar 24, Klavs Klavsen wrote: 
> I now have: 
> stick-table type string size 100k store conn_cur,gpc0 
> stick store-request hdr(X-Forwarded-For,-1) 
> tcp-request content track-sc2 hdr(X-Forwarded-For) 
> acl allowed sc2_conn_cur lt 2 
> block unless allowed 

tcp-request inspect-delay ? 
Most of the examples seem to use inspect-delay:

> shouldn't the key - be the x-forwarded-for header? 

Have you checked that the requests have (one) x-forwarded-for header ? 
hdr(X-Forwarded-For) = first header, and hdr(X-Forwarded-For,-1) = last header. 

And is the haproxy ip the only one thats in the stick table ? 


Jarno Huuskonen 

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