On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Claudio Ruggieri
<claudio.ruggi...@inetworking.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem with agent-check, in my haproxy installation.
> Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS with haproxy 1.5.3-1~ubuntu14.04.1
> HAProxy is configured with 2 backends: one http e one https.
> Agent-check is a script bash that simply return a percentage.
> HTTP backend works fine. HTTPS backend doesn't work. In the web Statistic
> Report I see no weight is updated and I don't have errors in log.
> This is the HTTPS backend configuration:
> backend application-https
>         description "HTTPS Application backend"
>         cookie SRV insert indirect maxidle 24h maxlife 24h
>         server rp1-test-https maxconn 100 weight 100
> fall 2 rise 2 check inter 2s agent-check agent-port 4321 agent-inter 5s
> cookie rp1-test-https ssl verify none
>         server rp2-test-https maxconn 100 weight 100
> fall 2 rise 2 check inter 2s agent-check agent-port 4321 agent-inter 5s
> cookie rp2-test-https ssl verify none
> Any idea?

Hi Claudio,

What does a tcpdump on port 4321 tells you?
and what type of content do you see from the server to haproxy in the
packet captured?


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