On 07/04/2015 09:55 μμ, Florin Andrei wrote:
> Let's say HAproxy is used for a second layer of load balancers, with the
> first layer being AWS ELBs.
> When you create an ELB, you can specify a health check. This should
> actually check the health of the HAproxy instances that the ELB is
> pointing at.
> Is there a way to make HAproxy answer a health check from an ELB? This
> health check cannot be passed all the way to the backend web servers,
> because they all answer different URL prefixes.

You can use monitor-uri, here is an example

acl site_dead nbsrv(foo_backend) lt 2
monitor-uri   /site_alive
monitor fail  if site_dead

then point healthcheck from ELB to <ip>/site_alive


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