On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 7:03 AM, Jonathan Matthews <cont...@jpluscplusm.com>

> Hi all -
> A bit of lunchtime playing around today has exposed the fact that a
> "stats uri" in a defaults section has no effect on backends to which
> the defaults section /should/ apply. Stats-serving backends only obey
> the compile-time default ("/haproxy?stats") in my tests, until an
> explicit "stats uri" is placed inside the backend definition.
I think that it does work in the defaults section but only if stats is also
enabled there.

  timeout client 5s
  timeout server 5s
  stats enable
  stats uri /foo
  mode http

listen foo
  bind :8000

A setup like that works for me using 1.5.11. Putting just the "stats uri"
in defaults but then putting "stats enable" only in the backend does not
work for any version of 1.4 or 1.5.


> The docs state that "stats uri" is valid in defaults sections, so let
> me ask: is this a documentation bug (which I'll happily submit a patch
> for!) or something else? To my mind, it absolutely makes sense to have
> this statement as settable in a defaults section.
> I've only tested this on the latest Debian backports version, 1.5.8,
> but I don't see anything related in the changelog since then which
> makes me think it's been fixed. The docs for 1.5.11 currently state
> it's a defaults-settable config statement.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Matthews
> Oxford, London, UK
> http://www.jpluscplusm.com/contact.html

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