Confirmed fix, thanks!


P.S Not sure what mailing list software this is, but’s attempt to 
reply did not do anything sensible; had to edit to/from manually.

> On 26 Apr 2015, at 17:22, Thierry FOURNIER <> wrote:
> Hi,
> The bug seems to be fixed, can you try the attached path ?
> Thierry FOURNIER
> On Sat, 25 Apr 2015 09:32:33 +0200
> Thierry FOURNIER <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for the bug repport. I reproduce it, and it was a real bug.
>> I look for this later.
>> Thierry
>> On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 22:42:25 +0100
>> Robert Samuel Newson <> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I’m playing with the new set-path feature and encountered a bug. I’m using 
>>> 1.6-dev1 plus all the patches up to Apr 22nd, I think we’re all clear that 
>>> set-path was not working at all in 1.6-dev1 itself. It does now work but 
>>> not in all situations I’d expect.
>>> My config is below. I do nc -lk 8000 for the backend. For the first three 
>>> cases, I see the right HTTP request printed there. For the fourth, nothing, 
>>> and haproxy generates a 503. This is true if is empty (and thus 
>>> the default "back" should be chosen, which does exist) or it can contain 
>>> valid mappings to "back" and still returns 503 for requests with a matching 
>>> Host header.
>>> global
>>>  nbproc 1
>>> defaults
>>>  mode http
>>>  log global
>>>  balance roundrobin
>>>  option httplog
>>>  option log-health-checks
>>>  option log-separate-errors
>>>  option forwardfor
>>>  option redispatch
>>>  retries 4
>>>  option http-server-close
>>>  timeout client 150s
>>>  timeout server 1h
>>>  timeout connect 5s
>>>  timeout queue 5s
>>> frontend front
>>>  bind :9000
>>>  # comment out as appropriate
>>>  # case 1: works
>>>  use_backend %[hdr(host),map(,back)]
>>>  # case 2: works
>>>  use_backend back
>>>  # case 3: works
>>>  http-request set-path /foo
>>>  use_backend back
>>>  # case 4: fails (503 response, no request sent to backend)
>>>  # can be empty or contain a valid mapping
>>>  http-request set-path /foo
>>>  use_backend %[hdr(host),lower,map(,back)]
>>> backend back
>>>  server server1 weight 10 check inter 7s

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