For what it's worth, I've implemented a basic script in PHP (please don't yell 
at me for using PHP) that sucks in the info from the haproxy socket and then 
executes commands to the XenServer hosts using the XenAPI (XAPI). It works 
decently well - I have the script running every 5 minutes, which seems to be 
okay so far for the demand on these systems. It seems to be an okay balance 
between boot time of the systems and people connecting to the systems. 

I will say it would still be better to have something trigger-based rather than 
polling. I even looked into trying to use iptables on Linux to trigger 
something upon connection to a certain port, but iptables doesn't quite have 
the right functionality to do it. In any case, the periodic script will suffice 
for now, and I'm sure I'll change and improve upon it a bit. For the time being 
it has been able to manage my overall usage of physical resources a little more 
efficiently as it can spin down VMs when they aren't being used, which frees 
those resources for other systems and cuts the overall heat generation and 
power consumption. 


From: "Ben Timby" <> 
To: "Nick E Couchman" <> 
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 11:35:03 AM 
Subject: Re: VM Power Control/Elasticity 


Here is some information on using socat to interact with the stats socket. This 
might be useful for shell scripting. 

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