Hi Devendra,

> Hi Lukas, 
> Thanks For your valuable reply. 
> Please find attach config file of current HAProxy server. 
> Please let me know , whether i should upgrade my server with latest 
> stable version of HA Proxy. 
> Need your suggestion. 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> HA Proxy Config 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> global 
> daemon 
> maxconn 20000 
> defaults 
> mode http 
> timeout connect 15000ms 
> timeout client 50000ms 
> timeout server 50000ms 
> timeout queue 60s 
> stats enable 
> stats auth Admin:MyPassword 
> stats refresh 5s 
> backend backend_http 
> mode http 
> cookie JSESSIONID prefix 
> balance leastconn 
> option forceclose 
> option persist 
> option redispatch 
> option forwardfor 
> server server3 cookie server3_cokkie maxconn 
> 1024 check 
> server server4 cookie server4_cookie maxconn 
> 1024 check 
> acl force_sticky_server3 hdr_sub(server3_cookie) TEST=true 
> force-persist if force_sticky_server3 
> acl force_sticky_server4 hdr_sub(server4_cookie) TEST=true 
> force-persist if force_sticky_server4 
> #Remove Some Reponse header for security 
> rspidel ^Server:.* 
> rspidel ^X-Powered-By:.* 
> rspidel ^AMF-Ver:.* 
> listen frontend_http *:80 
> mode http 
> maxconn 20000 
> default_backend backend_http 
> listen frontend_https 
> mode http 
> maxconn 20000 
> bind *:443 ssl crt /opt/haproxy-ssl/conf/ssl/naaptol.pem 
> #Adding Request Header to identify https request at Backend 
> reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https 
> reqadd X-Forwarded-Protocol:\ https 
> reqadd X-Forwarded-Port:\ 443 
> reqadd X-Forwarded-SSL:\ on 
> acl valid_domains hdr_end(host) -i gateway.naaptol.com 
> www.naaptol.com<http://www.naaptol.com> m.naaptol.com 
> redirect scheme http if !valid_domains 
> default_backend backend_http if valid_domains 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Awaiting for your valuable reply.

Config should work fine without any changes if
you update to latest stable release.

If, after the release, you want further optimization, I suggest replacing
option forceclose 

option http-keep-alive
option prefer-last-server

Also read:




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