I think that nails the problem. So if its not just me then the question is
if this is intended behavior or if its a bug. If its intended then I don't
think its entirely clear from the documentation that 'mode tcp' only works
under certain circumstances. If we confirm that its a bug then I'd be
willing to see if I can track it down and fix it.

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 4:39 PM, PiBa-NL <piba.nl....@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Which does not prevent the backend from using mode http as the defaults
> section sets.
> CJ Ess schreef op 16-6-2015 om 22:36:
> "mode tcp" is already present in mainfrontend definition below the bind
> statement
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 3:05 PM, PiBa-NL <piba.nl....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  CJ Ess schreef op 15-6-2015 om 20:52:
>> This one has me stumped - I'm trying to proxy SMTP connections however
>> I'm getting an HTTP response when I try to connect to port 25 (even though
>> I've done mode tcp).
>>  This is the smallest subset that reproduced the problem - I can make
>> this work by doing "mode tcp" in the default section and then doing "mode
>> http" in all of the http frontends (not shown). But doing 'mode http' as
>> default and then 'mode tcp' in the smtp frontend definition seems to not
>> work and I'm not certain why.
>>  global
>>   daemon
>>   maxconn 10240
>>   log local0
>>   log local1 notice
>>   stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock user root group root mode 600 level
>> admin
>>   stats timeout 2m
>>  defaults
>>   log     global
>>   mode    http
>>   timeout client 30s
>>   timeout server 30s
>>   timeout connect 4s
>>   option  socket-stats
>>  frontend mainfrontend
>>   bind *:25
>>   mode tcp
>>   maxconn 10240
>>   option smtpchk EHLO example.com
>>   default_backend mxpool
>>  backend mxpool
>>  add:
>> mode tcp
>>    balance roundrobin
>>   server mailparser-xxx check port 25 weight 20 maxconn
>> 10240
>>   server mailparser-yyy check port 25 weight 20 maxconn
>> 10240

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