hi all,

Sorry for not answering sooner, but you know, you say "I'll do it in a
couple of minute", then you focus on something else, then you forget,
then you say "I'll do it in a couple of minute", then .... :)

First of all, such type of article takes a long time to write, to
review, to fix, to test, etc...
So I need long period of time to focus to write this type of article.
And these type of period are quite rare and I used them to contribute
code to ... HAProxy :)

That said, I'll write a new DDOS protection article once HAProxy 1.6
will be released, since it embeds some new features which are
interesting on this topic.

Concerning your demand, I don't understand it!
Could you provide me your own configuration (or a fake one) you would
like to be protected adding comment to the type of protection you
expect, then I'll see what I can do.


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