> It looks like you have 2 haproxy processes listening on port 64443. Can
> you verify that the pid 18887 is not a previous haproxy process still
> running, with an older configuration routing to foo_bk_default ?
> Maybe you should kill it and relaunch your tests.
Bahhhh!!!! that was it!

    sudo killall haproxy
    sudo haproxy -db -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

It was simply a leftover process from a time when I ran haproxy without

    curl https://localhost.daplie.com:64443
    Default on 1443

    curl --insecure https://bar.example.com:64443
    bar on 2443

    curl --insecure https://baz.example.com:64443
    baz on 3443

Works every single time!

Curse you `SO_REUSEADDR`!!!

Well, I suppose it's desired behavior, it's just not the behavior I
expected. I'm used to the default being EADDRINUSE and an option for
turning SO_RESUADDR on.

And I remember doing a killall haproxy a while back, just after discovering
the `-db` option. I must have hit the up arrow one too many times right

That makes more sense now.

Now on to slay the real dragons....

AJ ONeal
(317) 426-6525

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