> But when I use curl bundled with Yosemite (or from Brew) on my macbook, 
> it's not switching. 
> curl --insecure https://bar.example.com:64443 
> Default on 1443 
> These are the versions I'm testing with: 
> curl --version 
> curl 7.37.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin14.0) libcurl/7.37.1 
> SecureTransport zlib/1.2.5 
> /usr/local/opt/curl/bin/curl --version 
> curl 7.42.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0) libcurl/7.42.1 
> SecureTransport zlib/1.2.5 
> Yet I have a node.js (io.js v2.3.1) service that switches based on SNI 
> which is working just fine with curl. 

Sounds like that client hello from curl@mac looks different
than we expect, therefor SNI parsing fails. Can you provide
the same tcpdump captures again, this time from the mac
curl client that fails?


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