Hi Baptiste,

That's a fair question :) I understand it's a rather particular request,
it's just the first time we've really hit something that we weren't easily
able to address with haproxy (really marvelous software, thanks y'all), so
I figured we'd ask before accepting an inferior solution...

As for details, it's advantageous for us for a couple of reasons... the
realip module in nginx requires that you list "trusted" hosts which are
permitted to set the X-Forwarded-For header before it will set the "source"
address in the logs to the x-forwarded-for address. as a result, using
anything other than the VIP means:

- not using the vip means we have to trust 3 addresses instead of 1 to set
- we have to update the list of allowed hosts on all of our backends any
time we replace a load-balancer node. We're using config management, so
it's automated, but that's still more changes than should ideally be
necessary to replace a no-data node that we ideally can trash and replace
at will.
- there's a lag between the time of a change(e.g. node replacement)  and
the next converge cycle of the config mgmt on the backends, so for some
period the backend config will be out of sync, incorrectly trusting IP(s)
that may now be associated with another host, or wrongly refusing to set
the "source" ip to the x-forwarded-for address. this is problematic for us,
since we have a highly-restricted internal environment, due to our business
model (online learn-to-code school) being essentially "running untrusted
code as a service".

Happily, your suggested solution seems to achieve what we're aiming for
(thanks!). The health-checks are coming from the local IP, and proxied
requests from clients are coming from the VIP. The standby is seeing
backends as "UP" since they're able to pass the health-checks. Progress!

Unfortunately, this seems to cause another problem with our config...
though haproxy passes the config validation (haproxy -c -f
/etc/haproxy.cfg), it fails to start up, logging an error like "Jul 14
20:22:48 lb01.stage.iad01.treehouse haproxy-systemd-wrapper[25225]: [ALERT]
194/202248 (25226) : [/usr/sbin/haproxy.main()] Some configuration options
require full privileges, so global.uid cannot be changed.". We can get it
to work by removing the user and group directives from the global section
and letting haproxy run as root, but having to escalate privileges is also
less than ideal... I almost hate to ask for further assistance, but do you
have any suggestions related to the above? FWIW, we're using haproxy 1.5.4
and kernel 4.0.4 on CentOS 7.


Nathan W

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:31 PM Baptiste <bed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nathan,
> The question is: why do you want to use the VIP to get connected on
> your backend server?
> Please give a try to the following source line, instead of your current
> one:
>   source usesrc
> Baptiste
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Nathan Williams <nath.e.w...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > OK, that did not seem to work, so I think the correct interpretation of
> that
> > "addr" option must be as an override for what address/port to perform the
> > health-check *against* instead of from (which makes more sense in
> context of
> > it being a server option).
> >
> > i was hoping for an option like "health-check-source" or similar, if that
> > makes sense; I also tried removing the "source" directive and binding the
> > frontend to the VIP explicitly, hoping that would cause the proxied
> requests
> > to originate from the bound IP, but that didn't seem to do it either.
> While
> > the standby was then able to see the backends as "up", the proxied
> requests
> > to the backends came from the local IP instead of the VIP.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Nathan W
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 8:58 AM Nathan Williams <nath.e.w...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Baptiste/Jarno,
> >>
> >> Thanks so much for responding.
> >>
> >> "addr" does indeed look like a promising option (though a strangely
> >> lacking explanation in the docs, which explains what it makes possible
> while
> >> leaving the reader to deduce what it actually does), thanks for pointing
> >> that out.
> >>
> >> Here's our config:
> https://gist.github.com/nathwill/d30f2e9cc0c97bc5fc6f
> >> (believe it or not this is the trimmed down version from what we used to
> >> have :), but backends, how they propagate in this microservice-oriented
> >> world of ours... ).
> >>
> >> As for addresses, the VIP is, and the active/standby local
> >> addresses are .11 and .12.
> >>
> >> fthe problem is basically that the way it's currently configured, when
> the
> >> .11 is active and has the .13 address, health-checks from haproxy on
> the .12
> >> host also originate from the .13 address (guessing due to the "source"
> >> line), and so never return and are (rightfully) marked by haproxy as
> >> network timeouts.
> >>
> >> i'm going to try the "addr" config and report back; fingers crossed!
> >>
> >> cheers,
> >>
> >> Nathan W
> >>
> >> On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 5:21 AM Baptiste <bed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 6:03 PM, Nathan Williams <
> nath.e.w...@gmail.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>> > Hi all,
> >>> >
> >>> > I'm hoping I can get some advice on how we can improve our failover
> >>> > setup.
> >>> >
> >>> > At present, we have an active-standby setup. Failover works really
> >>> > well, but
> >>> > on the standby, none of the backend servers are marked as "up" since
> >>> > haproxy
> >>> > is bound to the VIP that is currently on the active member (managed
> >>> > with
> >>> > keepalived). as a result, there's an initial period of a second or
> two
> >>> > after
> >>> > the failover triggers and the standby claims the VIP where the
> backend
> >>> > servers have not yet passed a health-check on the new active member.
> >>> >
> >>> > It seems like the easiest way to sort it out would be if the
> >>> > health-checks
> >>> > weren't also bound to the VIP so that the standby could complete them
> >>> > successfully. i do still want the proxied requests bound to the VIP
> >>> > though,
> >>> > forthe benefit of our backends' real-ip configuration.
> >>> >
> >>> > is that doable? if not, is there some way to have the standby
> "follow"
> >>> > the
> >>> > active-member's view on the backends, or another way i haven't seen
> >>> > yet?
> >>> >
> >>> > Thanks!
> >>> >
> >>> > Nathan W
> >>>
> >>> Hi Nathan,
> >>>
> >>> Maybe you could share your configuration.
> >>> Please also let us know the real and virtual IPs configured on your
> >>> master and slave HAProxy servers.
> >>>
> >>> Baptiste

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