Hello HAProxy team,

I see that the SSL offloading for http protocol is already supported ( 
I would like to know if there is an option of SSL offloading for IMAP protocol.


From: Avrahami David
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2015 3:50 PM
To: Cohen Galit
Cc: Sabban Gili; Meltser Tiran
Subject: SSL offloading in HAProxy

Hi Galit,

Can you please post the below question to HAProxy forum?

I see that the SSL offloading for http protocol is already supported ( 
I would like to know if there is an option of SSL offloading for IMAP protocol.

Best Regards,
David Avrahami
Security SE
Tel: +972-3-6452374
Mobile: +972-544382374
Email: david.avrah...@comverse.com<mailto:david.avrah...@comverse.com>

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