2015-07-21 6:59 GMT+02:00 Vincent Bernat <ber...@luffy.cx>:
>  ❦ 21 juillet 2015 00:55 +0200, thierry.fourn...@arpalert.org :
>> On my computer (debian), the classic command line build used on the
>> last dev version with your patch uses the -ldl two times:
>>    make TARGET=linux2628 USE_PCRE=1 USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_ZLIB=1 \
>>         USE_LUA=1 LUA_LIB=/opt/lua53/lib/ LUA_INC=/opt/lua53/include/
>>    [...]
>>    gcc -g -o haproxy [...*.o] -lcrypt  -lz -ldl  -lssl -lcrypto \
>>        -L/opt/lua-5.3.0/lib/ -llua -lm -ldl -L/usr/lib -lpcreposix \
>>        -lpcre
> Yes, that's expected. The first -ldl is for HAProxy own usage, the
> second one for Lua.
>> I suppose that the double use of the -ldl is not required, so maybe
>> your patch can move the lines 548 to 551 (Makefile), to the good place,
>> after "OPTIONS_LDFLAGS  += ...", at line 608 ?
> That was the alternate solution. The downside of this solution is that
> it is easy to forget that ordering is important and the block could be
> moved back at its initial position by accident.
> --
> Let the data structure the program.
>             - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

Hi Baptiste,

can you apply the patch to current git master?



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