I am publishing horde webmail application.  The horde itself is served
internally via http protocol on apache.  Please, see the configuration,
below.  The issue seems to be with css and image files as formatting is out
wack.  Please note, accessing the http site from intranet works.

  log local0 debug
  tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
  maxconn 4096
  user proxy
  group proxy

  log global
  mode  http
  option forwardfor
  option  httplog
  option  dontlognull
  option  redispatch
  option http-server-close
  retries 3
  maxconn 2000
  timeout connect 5000
  timeout client 50000
  timeout server 50000

frontend farm_test_ssl
  mode  http
  bind ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/cs.pem crt
  use_backend bk_cs_cert if { ssl_fc_sni cs.localdom.com } # content
switching based on SNI
  use_backend bk_remote_cert if { ssl_fc_sni remote.localdom.com } #
content switching based on SNI

backend bk_cs_cert
  mode http
  server cs check ssl verify none

backend bk_remote_cert
  mode http
  server remail check ssl verify none

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