Hey guys,

by default, HAProxy tries to resolve server IPs using an ANY query
type, then fails over to resolve-prefer type, then to "remaining"
So ANY -> A -> AAAA or ANY -> AAAA -> A.

In some cases, ANY query type is ignored or response contains no
records, which leads HAProxy to try next query type.
Today, 0yvind reported that weave DNS server actually answers with an
NX response, preventing HAProxy to failover to next query type (this
is by design).

Jan, a fellow HAProxy user, already reported me that ANY query types
are less and less fashion (for many reasons I'm not going to develop

Amongs the many way to fix this issue, the one below has my preference:
 A new resolvers section directive (flag in that case) which prevent
HAProxy from sending a ANY query type for the nameservers in this
section ie "option dont-send-any-qtype".

An other option, would to make HAProxy to failover to next query type
in case of NX response.
This would also cover the case where a server returns a NX because no
AAAA records exists.

Any comments are welcome.


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