On 30/10/2015 11:18 PM, "Labedan, Alain" <alain.labe...@cgi.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have HAPROXY in front of servers backend which are load balanced.
> -          For terminated SSL haproxy, I want HAproxy give the good
certificate to the client associated with the good domain .
> I’ve not found how to configure HA for that:  I ‘ve 4 domains associated
with one public IP in front . So how declare and use the 4  certificates
SSL for the 4 domains ?
> -          How use affinity session ? is it SERVERID insert ?
> Thanks for your answer .
> Bests regards .
> Alain Labedan
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This might give you an idea http://blog.haproxy.com/category/ssl/

Just use sni in the frontend (google this many examples out there) and
based on acl send the traffic to one of 4 dummy backends as in the example,
something like this

acl domain1 req_ssl_sni -i www.domain1.com
use_backend bk_domain1_sock  if domain1

Then each backend and listener will bind to a socket as in the example and
each listen section will have its own certificate and point to appropriate

Just a theory not sure if it will work haven't tested. Of course you need
modern browsers with sni support in order for this to work.

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