On 07/11/2015 8:01 AM, "Sébastien ROHAUT" <sebastien.rohaut....@gmail.com>
> Hi,
> We encountered a big problem this afternoon, which crashed for a while
one of our websites, a java (tomcat+lift) application. We are using Haproxy
> For our backend, we're doing something like this, using tcp-check because
we need to check status AND a string, which is not possible with http-check
> backend backend-mywebsite
>   balance roundrobin
>   option redispatch
>   option tcp-check
>   tcp-check send GET\ /check \ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\ 
> www.mywebsite.fr\r\nConnection:\
>   tcp-check send \r\n
>   tcp-check expect string HTTP/1.1\ 200\ OK
>   tcp-check expect  rstring "healthStatus":"(Healthy|DegradedMode)"
>   cookie JSESSIONID prefix nocache
>   server s1 s1:11503  weight 1 check inter 10s fall 3 rise 2 ssl cookie s1
>   server s2 s2:11503  weight 1 check inter 10s fall 3 rise 2 ssl cookie s2
>   server s3 s3:11503  weight 1 check inter 10s fall 3 rise 2 ssl cookie s3
>   server s4 s4:11503  weight 1 check inter 10s fall 3 rise 2 ssl cookie s4
> For some reasons, the /check page didn't returned the correct application
status and our / returned a 500 even if /check was OK, so we decided to
check /.
> After 20 minutes, our application crashed. In fact, our 4 fronts crashed
at the same time, and if we restarted them, 20 minutes after, they crashed
again. We lost some time because we were really thinking on a software bug,
before we realize the root cause.
> * Each tcp-check send opens a session on the application
> * Each session, on the / page, consumes 500 KB
> * session duration : 30 minutes
> * We have 4 Haproxy, doing 2 checks (the app provides 2 websites, so one
check for each Host: ), 6 times per minute = 48 checks, each minute. On
each front.
> * After 20 minutes : more than 450 MB used in the app for sessions
> * Full GC, crash
> So, my question is :
> Is it possible to get and store the JSESSIONID cookie returned by the
tcp-check expect (or something like this), and send it with the tcp-check
send, to reuse the same session ?
> Is there a way for a health check to use persistent cookie session
(always the same, one per server), returned by the check ?
> Thank you very much,
> Sebastien Rohaut

What we did in our case is simply not produce a session in the app for the
health check path.

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