
I did mean a web service, but basically what I need is a programmatic way
to manage haproxy, and if it isn't a web service, I can always wrap it with
a web service.

My apologies for my python inexperience, so I need some clarification:
haproxyadmin is a python library that uses the stats socket provided by
haproxy, yes?
haproxytool is a python tool that uses the haproxyadmin library, yes?
haproxyadmin must be installed on the same server as haproxy, yes?
haproxytool must be installed on the same server as haproxy, yes?

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Pavlos Parissis <>

> On 17/11/2015 10:37 μμ, Ed Young wrote:
> > I'm aware of the stats application and have it configured to manually
> > enable, disable and soft stop/start nodes.
> >
> > The UI is nice, but what I'm asking about is whether there is an web
> > service or API to enable/disable/soft stop/start nodes programmatically.
> >
> I assume you don't mean RESTful API, so I will mention
> which is a Python module which
> does most of operations supported over the stats socket.
> This is a tool which uses the
> mentioned library.
> Both are in Python and I have some plans to write a Go API, as a way to
> learn Golang, but it can take time before it is ready for public release.
> Cheers,
> Pavlos

- Ed

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