Hi all,
I have a strange HA Proxy *(**HAProxy version 1.5.2)* issue. i don't really
understand why.

I'm trying to disable the retries option from my haproxy. Since i've got
many POST requests

I've got in my conf the following two lines in my defaults section

        option redispatch
        retries 0

        contimeout 180000
        clitimeout 180000
        srvtimeout 180000

but seems that the haproxy is retrying the connection after 180000 sec
which is my default timeout:

Dec  7 11:57:22 haproxy-http1 haproxy[949]: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:64351
[07/Dec/2015:11:54:21.588] WEB-http-PORT-80 admin-backend/A1
785/0/0/-1/180787 -1 0 -- cD-- 841/169/1/1/0 0/0 "POST /CloseOrCancelBatch

Dec  7 12:00:22 haproxy-http1 haproxy[949]: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:64344
[07/Dec/2015:11:57:20.207] WEB-http-PORT-80 admin-backend/A1
2259/0/0/-1/182271 -1 0 - - cD-- 816/164/0/0/0 0/0 "POST
/CloseOrCancelBatch HTTP/1.1"

Dec  7 12:00:22 haproxy-http1 haproxy[949]: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:64352
[07/Dec/2015:12:00:21.468] WEB-http-PORT-80 admin-backend/A1
1104/0/0/24/1128 200 1876 - - ---- 818/164/1/2/0 0/0 "POST
/CloseOrCancelBatch HTTP/1.1"

Could someone explain what am i doing wrong here?

Is there an option to disable retries only for POST requests which is a bad
thing in any case.


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