I am new to HAProxy, and am responsible for analyzing the security of our 

Q.  Will the last config file overwrite the first config file?

In our environment, we have multiple config files.  Different teams manage 
different aspects of the environment, and so maintain their own config files.  
The directory tree looks like this:

                | - haproxy.cfg
                | -conf.d/
                                | - conf1.conf
                                | - conf2.conf
                                | - etc.

When the haproxy service is started, it does properly read all of the config 
files.  In haproxy.cfg we have a defaults section.  Assume that the global 
section is properly configured.

                log global
                option httplog
                other keywords

If conf1.conf were to contain its own defaults section, which conflicted with 
haproxy.conf, e.g.,

                log global
                option tcplog

Would the conf1.conf defaults section overwrite the defaults section in 



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