On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 6:05 PM, Pedro Mata-Mouros
<pedro.matamou...@sapo.pt> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was sure that stats page refreshes in the browser would not increase the
> sessions on a given backend, but I’m seeing otherwise. Could you please just
> confirm if this is normal, as I can’t remember? This is my config, for a
> very basic local dev environment I’m setting up with Docker:
> [SNIP]
> frontend in
>         bind *:80,:443
>         stats enable
>         stats uri /s/haproxy
>         stats refresh 5s
>         default_backend default
> backend default
>         enabled
>         server nginx_1 nginx_1:8080 maxconn 64 check
> Manually refreshing the stats page causes the nginx_1 host to increase the
> total number of sessions. Any way to not “pollute” the backend’s session
> count?
> Many thanks,
> Pedro.

Can't you dedicate an IP:port and a frontend for the stats?


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