Q1:  Can HAProxy be configured to 'roll back' if a patch update causes a 
HAProxy failure on a production server?
Q2:  Can HAProxy be configured to fail to a known safe state in the event of 
server failure during operation?

I am developing a Security Technical Implement Guide (STIG) for HAProxy.  A 
STIG is essentially a detailed checklist for hardening a given technology.  DoD 
uses them to provide cyber defense.

Finding configurable ways to satisfy the below 2 requirements is proving 

Req 1 : The web server must augment re-creation to a stable and known baseline.

Req 2 : The web server must be built to fail to a known safe state if system 
initialization fails, shutdown fails, or aborts fail.

Req 1 is intended to provide a means to roll back to a last known stable 
environment in case a patch fails.  Req 2 is intended to provide fail safe 
environments in case something (perhaps an attacker) causes system failure.



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