I've found why peering was not syncing up tables - I must indicate the peers by IP address, not by hostname. If I list peers by hostname, HAproxy will try to connect to peers, but it refuses any peering requests sent to itself (does not even listen to the peering TCP port).

So I made it work by changing it to this:

peers api
  peer haproxy-app01-staging-uswest2-aws.foobar.staging A.B.C.D:8989
  peer haproxy-app02-staging-uswest2-aws.foobar.staging X.Y.Z.K:8989

But my original question stands: is there a way to diagnose the state of peering just by querying the stats socket?

I also looked in the logs, but there's no mention of peering events there either. The statistics report page makes no mention either.

Florin Andrei

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