On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 11:08:08AM +0100, Hoggins! wrote:
> Oh don't say that !
> Last time I did, I was told that I had a bad spirit, and that my
> antispam was just bad.
> The thing is : unlike other popular mailing-lists, ANYTHING or ANYONE
> can post on this one without prior subscription, hence that huge spammy
> noise.

Yes and that's the point. If you have ever been rejected from a
development mailing list because you were not subscribed, you know
how painful it is. And precisely the fact that the list is open means
you *don't* have to be subscribed to post messages. So in short, people
who complain about spam are those who are willing to receive these spam
and I invite them to unsubscribe. They cause more noise on this list
than the spams because you have to read their e-mails before knowing
you're wasting your time.


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