
On 03/15/2016 02:54 PM, Zachary Punches wrote:


My name is Zack, and I have been in the middle of an on going HAProxy issue that has me scratching my head.

Here is the setup:

Our setup is hosted by amazon, and our HAProxy (1.6.3) boxes are in each region in 3 regions. We have 2 HAProxy boxes per region for a total of 6 proxy boxes.

These boxes are routed information through route 53. Their entire job is to forward data from one of our clients to our database backend. It handles this absolutely fine, except between the hours of 7pm PST and 7am PST. During these hours, our route53 health checks time out thus causing the traffic to switch to the other HAProxy box inside of the same region.

During the other 12 hours of the day, we receive 0 alerts from our health checks.

I have noticed that we get a series of SSL handshake failures (though this happens throughout the entire day) that causes the server to hang for a second, thus causing the health checks to fail. During the day our SSL failures do not cause the server to hang long enough to go fail the checks, they only fail at night. I have attached my HAProxy config hoping that you guys have an answer for me. Lemme know if you need any more info.

Before thinking about less obvious potential causes, the CPU of the instance isn't close to getting capped out during the time in question? Also, are the connection counts under 15,000 (otherwise I could see it ending up with a timeout and trying again)?

- Chad

I have done a few tcpdump captures during the SSL handshake failures (not at night during it failing, but during the day when it still gets the SSL handshake failures, but doesn’t fail the health check) and it seems there is a d/c and a reconnect during the handshake.

Here is my config, I will be running a tcpdump tonight to capture the packets during the failure and will attach it if you guys need more info.


# Example configuration for a possible web application.  See the

# full configuration options online.






# Global settings



    log local2

    pidfile     /var/run/

    maxconn     30000

    user        haproxy

    group       haproxy


    ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3 no-tls-tickets

    tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048

 # turn on stats unix socket

#    stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats`


# common defaults that all the 'listen' and 'backend' sections will

# use if not designated in their block



    mode                    http

    log                     global

    option                  httplog

    retries                 3

    timeout http-request    5s

    timeout queue           1m

    timeout connect         31s

    timeout client          31s

    timeout server          31s

    maxconn                 15000

# Stats

    stats  enable

    stats uri  /haproxy?stats

    stats realm Strictly\ Private

    stats auth  $StatsUser:$StatsPass


# main frontend which proxys to the backends


frontend shared_incoming

    maxconn 15000

    timeout http-request 5s

#    Bind ports of incoming traffic

    bind *:1025 accept-proxy # http

bind *:1026 accept-proxy ssl crt /path/to/default/ssl/cert.pem ssl crt /path/to/cert/folder/ # https

    bind *:1027 # Health checking port

acl gs_texthtml url_reg \/gstext\.html ## allow gs to do meta tag verififcation

acl gs_user_agent hdr_sub(User-Agent) -i globalsign ## allow gs to do meta tag verififcation

#      Add headers

    http-request set-header $Proxy-Header-Ip %[src]

    http-request set-header $Proxy-Header-Proto http if !{ ssl_fc }

    http-request set-header $Proxy-Header-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

#     Route traffic based on domain

use_backend gs_verify if gs_texthtml or gs_user_agent ## allow gs meta tag verification

use_backend %[req.hdr(host),lower,map_dom(/path/to/map/,unknown_domain)]

#     Drop unrecognized traffic

    default_backend unknown_domain


# Backends


backend server0  ## added to allow gs ssl meta tag verification

    reqrep ^GET\ /.*\ (HTTP/.*)    GET\ /GlobalSignVerification\ \1

    server server0_http

backend server1

    server server1_http

backend server2

    server server2_http

backend server3

    server server3_http

backend server4

    server server4_http

backend server5

    server server5_http

backend server6

    server server6_http

backend server7

    server server7_http

backend server8

    server server8_http

backend server9

    server server9_http

backend unknown_domain

    timeout connect 4s

    timeout server 4s

    errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy-shared/errors/404.html

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