
I am trying to capture an HTTP Request Header that gets added under certain 
circumstances in the backend. From the documentation I understand I can use a 
capture slot for that. This is what I tried in my stripped down config file:

frontend fe_http
  declare capture request len 32
  default_backend be_api

backend be_api
  balance leastconn
  option httplog
  # this would have ACLs in the real use case
  http-request add-header  X-CD-Operation Upload
  http-request capture hdr(X-CD-Operation) id 0

  server api01 api01:8081

However, when I start HAProxy (1.6.3 from the ppa:vbernat/haproxy1.6 repo), I 
get this error message:

$ haproxy -d -f test.cfg 
[ALERT] 077/124109 (13586) : Proxy 'be_api': unable to find capture id '0' 
referenced by http-request capture rule.
[ALERT] 077/124109 (13586) : Fatal errors found in configuration

$ haproxy --version
HA-Proxy version 1.6.3 2015/12/25

I assume I misunderstood something thoroughly, but I am at a loss.


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